Rape Kit Support  - The RINJ Foundation
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Rape Kit Procedures and Ordering Information.

Rape Kit Support

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WARNING: If you found this page because you have been raped you would be better off here to read 11-steps for survivors. This web page contains information about sexual assault forensic evidence gathering equipment and procedures which may be triggering to survivors.

Important links: Contact ~ Defining Rape and Sexual Assault ~ What To Do If You Have Been Raped

 Rape Kit Support  RINJ Rape Kit Support

Application Request by an Agency for RINJ Support: "Rape Kits"

(* Financial support for either supply of kits or testing of completed kits. Rape kit = Sexual assault evidence collection kits; sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits; Sexual offence evidence collection (SOEC) kits; or Physical Evidence Recovery Kits (PERK))

The RINJ Foundation is accepting applications for funding of rape kits or kit testing.

The RINJ Foundation will evaulate applications and either assit in obtaining or fund the obtaining of 'drop-shipped' rape kits and their subsequent testing. All rape kits will be monitored by the Foundation. We must all help make certain that first responders and hospitals have rape kits and that secondly, kits are immediately tested and the results reported to police and prosecutors.

11 Steps for Survivors. If you have been raped your first priority is to get yourself to safety. Then get into the care of first responders immediately before doing *anything* and that includes even going to the washroom--911. Not just you but society needs the criminal conviction and incarceration of all who are guilty of rape.
* Remember. If you have an emergency call 911.
* If you have been raped call 911.
* Your first priority is to get yourself into the care of first responders. You may be OK at first but you could go into shock. Don't go to the washroom -- call 911. Please visit a quick survivor checklist.

The Basic Rape Kit

The procedures set out here are for licensed nurses or doctors. As you read through the steps you begin to understand what you need and what is supplied in the forensic kits.
  • Step 1: Authorization for collection and release of evidence and information form
  • Step 2: Medical history and assault information form
  • Step 3: (1) 20" x 30" white paper sheet, (2) outer clothing bags and (1) panties bag
  • Step 4: Debris collection for nail scraping
  • Step 5: Towel and comb for pubic hair combing
  • Step 6: Envelope for pulled pubic hairs
  • Step 7: Slides: swabs and boxes for vaginal swabs and smear
  • Step 8: Slide, swabs and boxes for rectal swabs and smear
  • Step 9: Slide, swabs and boxes for oral swabs and smear
  • Step 10: Envelope for pulled head hairs
  • Step 11: Paper disk and envelope for saliva sample
  • Step 12: (2) blood vials for known blood sample collection
  • Step 13: Anatomical drawings chart

 Rape Kit Support  RINJ Rape Kit Support

Application to The RINJ Foundation

Your Email Address
Your Name
Number Of Units

Please specify if this is a request for rape kits or for rape kit testing. Type details about why you request this financial support and what if any efforts you have made to acquire the kits you need. Do you have a supplier? Tell us as much as you can. Your request will be dealt with in the order it is received through direct contact once an intake evaluation has been made.-- rinj.ca


We Stand #WithRefugees

Be a part of this important humanitarian action. #WithRefugees .

‣ Following a sexual assault, due to the severe psychological loss, feelings of wholeness, strength, trust and self control are lost.

What do feminists want for women:

  1. an equal opportunity for education;
  2. equal opportunity to drive vehicles and use any form of transportation;
  3. fair and equal wages;
  4. freedom from discrimination;
  5. no restrictions on owning property; and
  6. to be safe from violence and slavery.

RINJ: Rape Is No Joke
Twitter: @RapeIsNoJoke

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